HKE Hankook Engineering




The Manufacturer of high quality automotive filter manufacturing machinery.

  - Full line of productuion equipments are in

  its production line.
  -A to Z, from deep drawing hydraulic press to unit box

  packing machine

 The engineering leader of automation system for automotive filter manufacturing machinery.

- It has become the major supplier of automotive filter manufacturing equipments by its technology.
- No one can beat our technology in Korea.
 Dedicated to complete customer satisfaction

- Customer are satisfied with our products by simple reasons ; the best performance and the highest quality.
- All genuine automotive filter manufacturers in Korea use our equipments for their production.




High Speed

Gasket Installation Machine

Both Rectangular and P type gasket are acceptable.


ECO Filter (Cartridge Filter)

End Cap Welding Machine



Copyright 2017 HanKook Engineering All right reserved

297-9 Shinwon Pogok YongIn GyeongGi Korea